Monday 13 January 2014

BIG NATE's Lincoln Peirce Returns to Hometown

Photo from Foster's Daily Democrat.

BIG NATE comic strip and graphic novel creator Lincoln Peirce returned to his hometown of Durham, NH this weekend to talk about cartooning.

The local paper, Foster's Daily Democrat, has the story, Big Nate artist, Durham native Peirce share his cartoons with hometown by Jennifer Puk, on its front page today.

On flip chart paper, Peirce revealed how he creates his characters, emphasizing that practice and repetition helps him succeed. He drew a large image of Big Nate’s face. He then drew his other characters chosen by the audience. Peirce gave these drawings to the Durham Public Library.

Afterward, Peirce invited the audience for questions. His young fans proved that they knew and loved his books as much as he did by asking specific questions about his books, such as, “Why is he called Big Nate when he is so short?” The answer: Big Nate has big ideas and he is destined for big things, explained Peirce.

This sure is the case. Big Nate chapter books’ popularity is rising. Peirce travels nationally giving similar talks to libraries and schools and now travels in a Big Nate tour bus created by his publishers, HarperCollins. The Adventure Theatre MTC in Maryland produced Big Nate: The Musical.

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