Wednesday 29 January 2014

1972 Cartoonist PROfiles: Bill Kresse Interview

Bill Kresse (1933-2014) was interviewed twice for Cartoonist PROfiles magazine. Here is the first interview with the Daily News and "Super" Super cartoonist. (The second one, from 1982, is here.)

The interview is from Cartoonist PROfiles #13, March 1972. It was conducted by Sandy Fries, a NYC area high school student. It's a good interview, with Sandy asking a lot of nuts and bolts questions about tools and working habits. Sandy contributes some of his work here, because, you see, he's a cartoonist as well. It's one of the nicest interviews ever, and Bill's sturdy enthusiasm for cartooning really comes through. (UPDATE: Sandy Fries comments on Bill's influence in this statement from 2014.)

My thanks to Tom Stemmle for getting this to me. Thank you very much, Tom!

The interview opens with a special "Super" Duper drawn especially for Cartoonist PROfiles.

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