Tuesday 12 November 2013

BBC News: Amiir and Family: Somalis in Norway

BBC News has a feature story titled "Amiir and Family: Somalis in Norway" which was written by Benjamin Dix and illustrated by Lindsay Pollock. They have previously collaborated on the ambitious online graphic novel THE VANNI, about the conflict in Sri Lanka.

Amiir is told in first person graphic documentary narrative (like a lot of Joe Sacco's work). It's a fish out of water story about Amiir and his wife, Cawo. They are Somali refugees raising a family in Norway. Are they Somali or Norwegian? Well, the test comes when we see how their kids react when they take a rare family trip back home to Somali after many years.

Alternately sweet and sad, "Amiir and his Family" is a very human story about a family.

Hat tip to John Klossner for letting me know about this. Thanks, John!

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