Monday 4 November 2013

1956 Whitman Coloring Book Covers

Three from a series of small staple-bound coloring books from Whitman Publishing Co., Racine Wisconsin. Copyright 1956 by same.

I do not collect coloring books, but these caught my eye because the of the arresting graphic covers. Cheaply produced, these sixteen page newsprint coloring books, with the slightly heavier one-color covers, must have been point of sale items in drug stores and five and dime stores. Since there is no price, these books may have been giveaways for businesses to hand to the little tykes.

The interior art is pretty lackluster. I'll post that at the end.

But first, these coloring book covers.

The covers are so pleasing, they would make a terrific framed triptych, huh?

Below are a few of the interior pages:

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