Monday 19 August 2013

The Garden As of Mid-August 2013

A few shots of the garden during one of the oddest summers; weeks of heat, then rain, rain, rain.

In the foreground: the remains of the winter squash, decimated by the squash borer worm. Tomatoes not doing so well.

This box is 100% tomatoes and while we do have a crop, the plants are not as bushy as they have been -- plus they all have the brown leaf disease. We'll get some good Roma tomatoes, but not nearly as many as hoped.

The yellow squash plants have been attacked by the squash borers, but I think they may have been successfully defeated. The plants continue to kick out a few squash a week.

The green peppers are doing well; the cucumbers (in the back) are slowly coming along. There are a few tomatoes in the box as well.

The summer has been tough on the plants, but some are doing OK. Very sorry to report we had to buy some squash and cucumbers from a local farm last night. Wish we were doing better this year, but it wasn't in the cards.

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