Thursday 1 August 2013

The Garden As of August 1, 2013

Every 2 weeks for the past couple of years, I have posted the garden progress. It's August 1st. No one can believe it. "Isn't the summer racing by?" "I can't believe it's August." It's been a wet and very hot summer so far. I hope I'm wrong, but I think wet and hot is the way of the new New England summer.

Here's the garden:

Below is the first raised bed, with winter squash, some tomatoes


Yellow squash and, behind it, sweet potatoes:

Even more tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers:

The spotted leaf disease is back. The tomatoes themselves will be OK, but as the disease professes, destroying the leaves slowly from the bottom up.

And then there's the quash vine borers. They are, says a friend who's an insect expert at UNH, having a great year. Sadly, they bore into squash plants, grow inside and kill the plant. The plants need constant monitoring, and you have to get into the vine with a little knife to dig the little worm borers out. Sadly, I think all 6 of the winter squash plants will be goners.

The lilies are in bloom. Here are some photos from the perennial flower garden:

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