Monday 3 March 2014

Stanley Kubrick Photographs Cartoonist Peter Arno (1949)

Kubrick was a child prodigy photographer and was employed doing photo features for Look Magazine in the 1950s when he was just 16 years old. Did you know that? I did not until my friend Paul Giambarba sent me a photo of Arno that was taken by the teenaged Kubrick last week.

Here are a few of the many photos of Peter Arno from the Museum of the City of New York site. Click on that link for what looks like all of the photos (and some of the proof sheets) that Kubrick took that day and that night of this seminal New Yorker cartoonist.

These photos are © 2014 MNY all rights reserved:


Paul Giambarba on "The Irreverent Genius of Curtis Arnoux Peters, Jr."

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