Tuesday 29 October 2013

Spike: "This Is Everything I Know"

If you know Web comics, you know Spike. She produces the popular Templar, Arizona Web comic. 

Recently, for the annual 24 Hour Comics Day, she produced a primer on how to make it as a cartoonist. Titled "This Is Everything I Know: a 24 Hour Comic About Comics," she tackles how to become a successful Web cartoonist.

Above is a page by Spike noting some of the pitfalls.

She details that it's a ten year process to become a professional indie cartoonist -- adding that you have to be talented, productive and lucky. There are no guarantees. Spike has been drawing her comic since 2005 and doesn't have a day job. "I make comics full-time," she tells us on her Info. Page.

She creates fictional stories on the Web with the goals of getting 1000 fans who are willing to spend $100 each a year on her work. ("'1000 True Fans' is a popular concept in a lot of creative circles.")

A difficult path to success with no guarantees. And, the big difference for me, absolutely no corporate clients.

Hat tip to Jamie Smith!

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