Wednesday 1 May 2013

Rene Bouché

Drew Friedman's blog always has something wonderful on it, and here is yet another reason to visit.

Drew showcases the illustrator Rene Bouche (1905-1963), known for his iconic caricature of Jack Benny, and others. Bouche, a busy fashion illustrator, also drew portraits and did some advertising art. Story goes that when he did the Benny portrait in charcoal, Jack Benny so loved it that he used it for his television series in the 1950s and then for pretty much everything he ever did from then on. I have a memory of seeing Benny onstage in the 1970s. He used to perform with the local orchestra to help raise funds. Sure enough, on the program, was Bouche's sketch -- then over 20 years old.

Related: Paul Giambarba's always excellent 100 Years of Illustration blog on Bouché.

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