Saturday 13 April 2013

Roy Thomas: Looking For Frankenstein

From Tony Isabella's Bloggy Thing:

A recent e-mail request from Roy Thomas...

PS Artbooks and I are still looking for hi-res scans or loaned copies of PRIZE COMICS #16-18 & #32 for the Dick Briefer Frankenstein stories therein.  For some reason, these seem to be rarer than it makes much sense for them to be.  Does anyone have any facilities for spreading the news to Facebook or other lists, or some such?  PS Artbooks in England will give out copies of the $50 forthcoming ROY THOMAS PRESENTS FRANKENSTEIN, VOL. 1, in exchange for this, as well as other expenses.  (Please don't send me any hi-res scans, though, as I'm not on broadband and hi-res stuff causes me horrendous problems with my server.)  We can't put out that volume until we get hold of these four stories, though otherwise everything is all set for printing.

You can contact Roy through Tony here.

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