Friday 7 March 2014

Thank You and Please Consider Helping This Blog

I'm just starting my 9th year on a blog that I was sure wouldn't last.

I'm happy to be mistaken. And glad to share my knowledge of cartooning with all of you.

The blog is a one-person operation and takes time. You know that. And the blog traffic, tells me that there are people interested in cartoons; how to be a cartoonist, how to find markets, how to come up with ideas, how to persist in the face of rejection, what makes a good cartoon, etc.

Please help. I appreciate you considering making a donation today.

The amount you give is up to you. 

Lost Art: Original Hand-Drawn Store Signs

Above are samples of some of the hundreds of hand-made store signs from the Honest Ed's store. The store was recently sold and these will be up for auction on Monday. All proceeds go to charity. More here.

The hand-made sign look is, for all I know, pretty much gone from the grocery store landscape. It's a remnant of another time, replaced now with computer fonts.


Go look at Tom Tomorrow's blog for a great find: hand-made title cards for presentations!

Cleveland Heights, OH: Lake Erie Ink

PAJAMA DIARIES cartoonist Terri Libenson gives a presentation and a workshop for kids at Lake Erie Ink's 2nd Annual Kids' Comic Con, tomorrow, March 8th. Other area cartoonists will be there, making comics with the kids as well. Sounds like a great time!